W.B. Skinner > News > Join CTPAT and Improve US Border Security

Join CTPAT and Improve US Border Security

At WB Skinner Inc., we continuously strive to ensure the highest standards of security and efficiency within our supply chain. Today, we would like to introduce you to an essential initiative that can significantly enhance your business operations and security: the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT).

What is CTPAT?

CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Launched in November 2001, this initiative aims to strengthen international supply chains and improve U.S. border security. By joining CTPAT, companies work collaboratively with CBP to protect the supply chain, identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures.

What Does CTPAT Do?

CTPAT focuses on improving the security of private companies’ supply chains with respect to terrorism. Participants in the program, which includes importers, exporters, carriers, consolidators, and customs brokers, follow CTPAT’s extensive security guidelines to:

  • Identify and mitigate potential risks: By assessing and improving their security practices, companies can identify potential vulnerabilities in their supply chain and take proactive measures to address them.
  • Enhance supply chain efficiency: Implementing robust security measures not only protects against threats but also streamlines operations, reducing delays and improving the flow of goods.
  • Gain competitive advantages: CTPAT membership demonstrates a company’s commitment to security, which can enhance its reputation and relationships with business partners and customers.

Benefits of CTPAT Membership

  • Reduced inspections: CTPAT members are less likely to face extensive cargo inspections at U.S. borders, resulting in faster clearance times.
  • Priority processing: During times of elevated threat levels or natural disasters, CTPAT members receive priority processing for their goods.
  • Access to CTPAT resources: Members have access to valuable resources, including training, seminars, and a dedicated CBP Supply Chain Security Specialist who can provide guidance and support.
  • Enhanced marketability: Being part of CTPAT signals to partners and customers that your company prioritizes supply chain security, potentially opening doors to new business opportunities.

How Can Your Company Become a Part of CTPAT?


Joining CTPAT is a straightforward process that involves the following steps:

  1. Application: Submit an application through the CTPAT portal on the CBP website, providing detailed information about your company and its supply chain security practices.
  2. Security Profile: Complete a security profile outlining your current security measures and any planned enhancements.
  3. Validation: Once your application and security profile are reviewed, CBP will conduct an on-site validation to ensure your company meets CTPAT requirements.
  4. Certification: Upon successful validation, your company will be certified as a CTPAT member and can begin to enjoy the program’s benefits.


We encourage all our partners to consider the advantages of joining CTPAT and take proactive steps toward enhancing supply chain security. For more information or assistance with the application process, please feel free to contact our team at WB Skinner Inc.

Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to securing our supply chains.